Step 1 Open a new document in Photoshop, I used 512x512 pixels . Then start adding some guides using squares for references. They will be useful to create the circles. With the Ellipse Tool (U) create a circle. Step 2 Go to Layer>Layer Style>Gradient Overlay. Use Normal for the Blend Mode , and for the colors use #242e3c for the dark and #b4c1d4 for the light. Also change the Angle to 90º . Step 3 After the gradient overlay, select Stroke . Then change the Size to 1 pixel and for the Fill Type use Gradient . For the colors use #7f8a98 for the dark and #e9f1f4 for the light. Also use 90º for the angle . The light colors will be at the top. Step 4 Click on Bevel and Emboss . For the Style use Inner Bevel. For the Technique use Smooth , for the Depth use 20% , for the Size use 45 pixels , for the Soften use 15 pixels . Now for the Shading use -90º for the Angle, 65º for the Altitude , then for the Highlight Mode use Color Dodge , with white and 100% opacity and for the...